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an adjective used to describe someone incredibly dumb, so dumb it'll cause you to lose all of your remaining brain cells.

person a: your mom: has big ugly gay
person b: you're cancer
person a: i know

by imnotafurrry March 27, 2018

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The biggest opponent of the human evolution: emojis... they're like cavepaintings in 21st centuary

Person 1: *Send's a text, with a cancer*
Person 2: *fucking dies*
Person 1: 'This is so sad *sad cancer*

by fapboy June 6, 2018


Jake paul

Jake paul is such cancer

by Zzxvs September 19, 2017

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Jake paul

How to u like cancer

by Brecci user December 3, 2017


The stupidest disease my best friend had.

Jonny had cancer. When he was sent to the hospital for the he lost count time, the realized he was terminal. No stopping cancer at that stage. (Sigh) Goodbye, Jonny, you were nice

by Ultimateidk October 27, 2020


Jake Paul's - Its every day bro

Jake Pauls song is cancer

by dolpindick November 9, 2017



morgz is cancer

by sixnein October 18, 2019