Source Code


this sussy baka licks
my toe

what has angie been doing today??

oh that sussy baka? she has been licking my toe

by duhpresseddoggi July 15, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Angie is a slut that dates around 3-5 guys every year. She thinks that she is hot shit, but in reality she just looks like a blob of lard. She's also the typical, radical, feminazi who lies about rape just to gain pity points. She fakes having multiple mental illnesses because she thinks it makes her quirky. She has poor hygiene skills which is evident on her crustyass look.

Person 1: "Angie told me that she dated a fatass guy named Rick once."

Person 2: "Dude what? She dated me the same year, right after they broke up."

Person 1: "Fatass bitch is such a slut. She lied about getting raped and gave me a lecture on why men don't deserve a place in this world!"

Person 2: "She's a crustyass bitch, dude. I wouldn't fuck with her ever again."

by 2Skinny4Life September 28, 2019

5πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A bad bitch. Angie is a remy psycho bitch who holds thousands of children in her basement and is very sensitive. She has a sidekick named Ally who she tortures every night but doesn’t care, because she hates Ally’s other personality, Spider Mom. ANGIE IS INSANE. DO NOT TRUST HER.

That Angie bitch a psycho!

by A PSYCHO SISTER ANGIE April 18, 2019

4πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Angie is the best person to exist and Nadia loves them more than they could imagine

I love Angie, they're the best β€πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

by Totally Not A Homosexual May 15, 2020

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


One very sexy girl with hella ass on her.

Jack: Wow damn look at Angie over there dancing all fine n sexy, I would love to be hittin' that later tonight!
Bill: How do you know her name is Angie?
Jack: Man...look at all dat ass, her name can only be Angie with a booty that fine!
Bill: Oh damn, good point, that ass sure is amazing!

by Let's go Brandon, I agree July 15, 2022

5πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


An idiotic fool who thinks she is better than everyone else because she can be stereotyped and thinks that the fact that she even belongs in a stereotype makes her unique. An Angie usually suffers from special snowflake syndrome and has no ideas or opinions of her own, making her a secondhander. Angies can not defend themselves. In other words, she would rather send her mother out to fight for her to protect herself. She will also take any insult you throw at her as a compliment, using the excuse that "she is popular enough for you to insult her at all." She tries extremely hard to work any sarcasm into every sentence that comes out of her mouth thinking it makes her sound funny. When an Angie is not using sarcasm, she will respond with the least likely response to whatever it is that she is responding to, thinking it makes her a unique individual (example below). Angies are convinced that they're god's gift to humanity, so do not give an Angie a compliment of any kind. She will immediately post something on her facebook/myspace/livesocial regarding your compliment. If you are ever approached by an Angie, it is best that you immediately make clear that you are NOT her best friend, otherwise she will most likely consider you BFFs for a short while, until she meets another random stranger. On a positive note, however, an Angie is very easy to get in bed. She will drop her panties for almost anyone.

HeyThere1: Hey, Angie, what are your plans for tomorrow?

XxAngiexX: I love cupcakes!!!! <3

by AntiAngie August 19, 2011

51πŸ‘ 332πŸ‘Ž


A girl who's pencil case is total trash. And gives away free pencils. Also likes to eat raw tomatoes.

That girl is a total angie!

by BurntSoup December 11, 2016

6πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž