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Bucking Bronco

The new, upcoming trend brought on by the younger generation. It involves one male thrusting a random male to the ground, then jumping on him and doing it from the back very quickly, until the other person fights back.

Jonah was filming me as I gave Trevor a Bucking Bronco.

by Dantechunkers March 7, 2012

15๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

raging bronco

Raging bronco is when your fucking doggystyle and right before you get ready to blow your load you grab the girls body and hold on tight and whisper into her ear " I'VE GOT AIDS BITCH"

I gave Riley's mom a raging bronco!

by Bryan Riley October 25, 2007

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Bellevue Bronco

The act of securely tying your sexual partner to the bed, on their back. The instigator sits on the victim's stomach and reveals a digital camera or video camera, and proceeds to shoot footage of the unwilling partner.

After I tied her up and she saw the flash from my Digital Elph, she was bucking like a Bellevue Bronco.

by Woodaddy May 28, 2009

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Buckling Bronco

when one is performing doggy style he whispers in her ear that he has AIDS and as she panics and tries to run away he rides her like a wild bronco

In the heat of the moment, Jack whispered in Jill's ear "I have AIDS" and as Jill tried to escape his cowboy grip, Jack rode her like a rodeo clown thus performing the "Buckling Bronco."

by K-BONE AND C-MEN August 9, 2009

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Buckin' Bronco

While hitting it from the back, you grab her hair, then call out a wrong name on purpose.

Ey homie, you hear Brett rode wacky jackie for fifty minutes...buckin' bronco style.

by Jo-z November 26, 2006

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buckin bronco

While having sex doggy style, the male very subtly wraps the female's hair (preferably long) around his hand. However, the stimulus for the bucking is not an insult from the male, but as Buckin Bronco purists will attest, when the rider's friends burst into the room (from a closet typically) ringing cow bells and cheering wildly.

See that skinny dude over there. Last weekend, at a party, he pulled 12 seconds on a nasty little Buckin Bronco.

by bcesq October 13, 2006

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Bucking Bronco

your all wrong. you see its when your fuckin a girl real hard and your gettin her from behind and all of a sudden you fish hook her with your middle fingers right. then you scream out her name and tell her how good it feels but you call her the wrong name. then she starts goin wild and starts buckin tryin to throw your ass off but you hang on for your life enjoyin the ride and throwin that one hand up.

"last night i was fuckin jamie and i called her susey and she started doin the Bucking Bronco."

by James Gaetano May 26, 2008

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