An abbreviation of "big oof".
You- "My heart cut out 12 times yesterday"
Me- "Boof"
Boof is what a sneeringer does every time they open their mouth.
After sneeringer boofed the stinch of the words lingered in the air causing a mass panic and ships being abandoned exposing exposing a worthless existence.
To wipe out or eat shit from taking a fall when doing something awesome.
Tom: Did you see that guy boof it?
Chris: Yes, it is my favorite word indeed, boof. I just love saying it so much. Boof. But yeah Tom, that guy boofed so hard after he hit that jump. I hope he is ok. Maybe he should think before he sends it.
Tom: but he was shredding the gnar.
Chris: that he was
Worthless beyond all measure. Something you want to avoid at all costs.
“Ryan hasn’t gotten a job yet and we graduated last year, dude.”
“Yeah cause Ryan is a fuckin Boof.”
a boof similar to a “queef” is when one excrete semen or more commonly known as spunk out of the rectum creating not only a sound that can only be described as a boof but also the leaking of liquids.
“charlotte Boofed all over the bud”
“wtf kick her of”
BOOF: Stupid, dumb or idiotic in character. Can be used to describe someone or something.
Example: “This homework is boof”
“Ed has been boofing K all day at the festival and started eating earthworms”