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breeder family

These are people who do not have money to support even one child but instead keep having more and more, relying on taxpayer money to support themselves.

That family lives in a trailer and has six kids. They are a true breeder family.

by New English May 4, 2009

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breeder farm

The entire world and everything in it. Due to the fact that the VAST majority of people are heterosexual and therefore "breeders"

Let's run an experiment shall we? Since "breeders" are bad, we shall exile all homosexuals to an island. Eventually, they will all die. Sorry but breeders win this round assholes!

by Cool Guy Extroidenaire January 18, 2004

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proven breeder

A sarcastic insult that implies someone is either deformed or absolutely fugly.
Background: one day i was surfing through the internet looking at breeder snakes and there was a one-eyed one that had 'proven breeder' next to its name, thus i coined the insult 'proven breeder'.

"Wow Sean is a fucking proven breder. what a tool shed!"
" Wow your mom is a proven breeder, look at you!"

by Greg and Cory November 6, 2004

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breeder binoculers

a gay person who checks out straightfolk.
When your gayday doesnt work

tony has his breeder binoculars on tonight.

by chunky 7 June 5, 2003

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Porn dedicated to simulations of making chillens.

V and were watching breeder-porn, and got so horny we got biblical right then and there, with no protection.

by AurelAuAaaaureliusreliusaaaasA January 13, 2018

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Welfare Dog Breeder

A person who breeds dogs for thousands but begs for donations because they don’t have a job. They live off others hard earned money. They hoard animals and live in small houses. The dogs are a source of income solely to bring attention to themselves.

That welfare dog breeder took up donations to build a fence.

by wtf is wrong with people May 9, 2020

baby breeder

An inwardly unattractive female who has to become pregnant to get a man. Without his sperm she would not have a house, any material goods or be accepted by the other unattractive baby breeders.

My baby breeder friend just purchased her new chest flotation devices and mini van road hog with her sperm donors bank account. She is working on her next million dollar toe tag to ensure she keeps her sperm donors bank account in check.

by Wicked Witch August 23, 2017

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