When you discover that your code is not giving the right results, not because there is any bug in your program, but because there is a bug in the theory on which it is based.
Theoretical bugs are rare but more common than thought. When you find one, your perception of the world improves quantically.
A more day to day example, it is when you realize something you never saw before, not because it was not there, but because your mental model of the world didn't include it.
case 1
JC: I've been trying to find the bug in this program all night, but its looks perfect. Don't know why sometimes is producing weird results.
Guru: Its time to chase some Theoretical bugs.
case 2:
Linux_user: The problem with microsoft is not that they produced bad programs, but they copypasted so much software from other people, that the outcome was a walking Theoretical bug. At some much extent that, when it crashed it means it was really working.
That's a tatter bug right there with a dip in on that tractor
it means i hate abos;' and niggers and abos and gays and fags
ebo bug!
An Ozil-looking virgin that typically lives in a gyro flat in Dundee. Most of the time, Bruce the Bug's can be seen begging their friends to chip in for a bit of marijuana. Their typical sentences are: "I'm so fried" or "Wisen up, mate"
"Look at Bruce the Bug! He's zombied on the couch once again!"
Someone in Dundee: "There he is, that 5'4 boy wearing the bague Gymshark jumper, that's Bruce the Bug"
The Gravesend term for "woodlouse"
Mate, my garden's full of thoes cheesy bugs
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A misspelling of the term โbig gayโ, used to describe someone that is homosexual.
Some guy: Matt is playing Fortnite. What a bug gei.
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Devil spawn that haunts the houses in the Kingston student ghetto. Has many legs and comes out to drink your tears as you sleep. Also known as a "house centipede".
"A ghetto bug fell on me yesterday and my life flashed before my eyes!"
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