Source Code

lamo cafe

(lay-moe)this is were the A in the Alamo cafe sigh dies or falls off and all u can see is the L, A, M, and O.

we were at the Lamo cafe last night, oh i mean the ALAMO CAFE, sorry :)

by Jessica + Skylar <3 March 10, 2009

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Ibis Cafe

A vagina covered in ants

The ibis cafe looked sore.

by Eagle636 March 23, 2019

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sport cafe

Also known as "cafe de la sport" - a place on wilmslow road, Manchester where guys go to smoke shisha, show some magic tricks and pick up a few slags. Generally what all students do when they should be revising.

Zee: " Waagwaan, What we doing tonight? "
Moon: " Might As Well land SPORT CAFE BRO "

by Mamoon Saeed December 7, 2010

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Royal Cafe

Burger king, fancy way of informing your date that you are getting fast food instead of a real restaraunt

hey baby lets go on a date, we can go to this awesome fancy place called the Royal Cafe, and you can ordera nything you want from their menu, ANYTHING you want baby...

by mid3vil April 29, 2011

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Cafe D'Epoque

a local bar at Mont Tremblant where college students on spring break goes to party! Several American college students aged 18-20 take a trip to Mont Tremblant to legally get around the stupid American drinking age of 21.

Local bar: Can I see your ID please?
Student: (hands over ID)
Local bar: I am sorry you have to be 21 to enter
Student: WTF!? What happened to the 18 to party 21 to drink policy??
Local bar: Well that's just a rumor, you have to be 21 to enter AND drink.
Student: So apparently you're not letting me in because you think I'm going to drink, right? I'm just here to party, not drink!

(minutes later)

Student: (plans a trip to Mont Tremblant, Canada)

(weeks later)

Cafe D'Epoque: Can I see your ID please?
Student: (hands over ID)
Cafe D'Epoque: Thank you, have fun!
Student: YES! Finally!

by NHRHS2010 May 12, 2011

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Asian cafe

A bunch of White boys that wear the gayest shirts and think they're Asian

Asian Cafe- A Asian fuckboy hotspot don't forget about all the white trash employees and stupid weeaboo shirts they Wear in Middletown

by Jeff koogle December 30, 2016

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Frappe Cafe Roblox

A large group on ROBLOX with over 350k+ members and is founded by the infamous Cyrogenix. Their expectations are EXTREMELY high and if you don't meet them you are demoted. There has been 1 war and another that is currently raging on. The 1st one was triggered when a YouTuber recived a Trello Ban for consist rule breaking thus the Trolling Empire was born and reaked havoc The Trolling Empire eventually won when the President and Vice- president saw a video giving them tips on how to improve the system and un banned him. The 2nd war was set into motion when people grew tired of injustice, wanted their rights back as employees and Seroious accusations were made against the Chairman (Owner). There are dozens of petitions for MRs demotions and pages long on Frappe's mistakes and Cyrogenix's exposure. Only a few succeed there.

OMG, Have you heard about Frappe Cafe Roblox it's a group on roblox thats full of corrupt admins!

by You don't know me T~T May 19, 2020

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