A secret recipe no one is about to no about without a legacy. There are 3 people who know the secret recipe : Kanye West , Bran06, Philip06.
Bran06: mixing up that secret recipe
Pepperoni secret, also called pep secret is a phrase used generally for secrets and japes.
Binyot has many pepperoni secrets.
Also the tips and tricks section of Vinesauce is called Pepperoni secret time.
Here's a pepperoni secret, you can spin jump onto the spike fish.
Some shit that dentists say when they hit you with the laughing gas and feel your goodies
If you don’t tell, this will be our little peepee secret, i love all cavities
You did it! You found the second secret definition on this site! Good job!
If you’re day’s going poorly, don’t worry! You found this secret definition, you should be proud of yourself ^w^
The act of excusing yourself from a party and puking in secrecy, then returning to the party scene as if you didn't puke and raging per usual. The act of puking is then revealed the next day.
Last night at the party, she had a secret puke and then chugged an IPA.
An individual whose physical appearance is neat, put-together, fashionable and clean, but keeps his/her place of inhabitance extremely messy.
Someone who cares more about how they look to others than their personal hygiene/sanity/self-respect.
Negatively used as these people put much care in their physical appearance to impress others rather than take true care of themselves.
person 1: "whoa, Billy always looks so put together- he's so hot!"
person 2: "no dude, you should see his room, it's disgusting. He's a total secret slob."
When Its Not Your Week To Take A Shower So You Have To Sneak Around To Do It
Secret Shower
person 1 "I'm Going To Go Take A Shower"
person 2 "But Its Not Your Week Its My Week"
person 1 "Fine I'm Just Going To Go Into The Bathroom BUT not To Take A Shower" *wink wink*
person 2 "fine by me"