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valor thief

val-or thief \va-lərˈthēf\

noun (2014)

1. One who falsely claims membership or veteran status in the armed forces, law enforcement, or any other similar entity.


"Bill is a valor thief because he claims to be a wounded Army veteran, although he is not a member or veteran of the armed forces."

by scharky August 15, 2014

Table Thief

The low life who moves in on your table or chair and claims it as their own while you're in the toilet or at the bar.

‘Mate, can you look after my table while I'm at the bar ‘cause I don’t want a table thief claiming it.’

by Wardswords December 21, 2021

toaster thief

When you strike out or throw someone out with swag

Joe really looks like a toaster thief on the mound.

by CrackRocket March 29, 2018

Post Thief

One who steals your FaceBook posts and reposts them as their own.

I put a post on my Face Book wall and Mary copied and pasted it to her wall as her own post! Mary is a "Post Thief"!

by Complimented December 27, 2010

Scavanger Thief

A person who is good at Scavanging and stealing weed from other people without them knowing.

Tim:Hey did you hear that Caleb Scavaned my weed?


Tim:Neither did I. He is such a Scavanger Thief.

by RockSax December 10, 2010

UD Thief

An urbandictionary.com contributor who openly creatively borrows the definiton of a word from an existing definition, then posts a new definition of the same word using slightly varied phrasing.

Can also be used to describe a person who mimics and submits a picture on UD by the same means - copying the ideas of others.

Check out the definition for UD Thief. The definition by Microsofty was the original and was deleted. Another one was started. Microsofty also submitted the first image for that definition, and two fags thought it would be a brilliant idea to do it again, twice.

by Microsofty January 13, 2013

7👍 1👎

UD Thief

An urbandictionary.com contributor who openly steals the definiton of a word from an existing definition, then posts a new definition of the same word using slightly varied phrasing.

Can also be used to describe a person who mimics and submits a picture on UD by the same means - copying the ideas of others.

Check out the definition for UD Thief. The definition by Microsofty was the original and was deleted. Another one was started. Microsofty also submitted the first picture for that definition, and two fags thought it would be a brilliant idea to do it again, twice.

by Microsofty January 13, 2013

6👍 1👎