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Resting gif-face

The loop your face makes when you’re listening but not very interested, I.E., An eye roll, nod, deep sigh, or nom-sincere smile. Sometimes unintentional, but can be done deliberately for effect.

Usually under two seconds long, and usually sarcastic or born out of sheer boredom and a desire to be polite when you’d rather be anywhere else. Also used as profile pictures on popular internet sites.

(At a dinner party, trying to tell a story)

*The person adjacent to you, nodding and smiling over and over again*
“I was trying to tell you about this, but you’re just using a resting gif-face with me”

Alternatively, “Yeah, I don’t really care about their story, so I blanked and used my resting gif-face.

Or, “Man I rewatched that video I was in, I totally had a resting gif-face”

by Moth??? June 19, 2021


When someone sends a gif thinking they have just mic dropped and it gets trumped by an even wittier gif

Oh Man! Tarquin has just out-giffed me the twat!

by Ay-Jay-Nay-Bay November 20, 2020

Smoke Bomb Meme/GIF

When you get roasted by another person in a group chat, so to save yourself the embarrassment, you quickly deploy a funny ironic quirky gif/picture or something completely out of context to redirect the attention of everyone watching. This tactic is usually unsuccessful and usually ends up with the "victim" only getting bullied more for not knowing how to defend themselves in a confrontation.

them: That's why you get no bitches.
you: *Posts a out of context gif/picture also known as a "Smoke bomb Meme/GIF" to try and save face*

by February 3, 2022

Smoke Bomb Meme/GIF

When you get roasted by another person in a group chat, so to save yourself the embarrassment, you quickly deploy a funny ironic quirky gif/picture or something completely out of context to redirect the attention of everyone watching. This tactic is usually unsuccessful and usually ends up with the "victim" only getting bullied more for not knowing how to defend themselves in a confrontation.

Person 1: That's why you get no bitches.
Person 2: *posts a out of context gif/picture to save face, also known as "deploying a Smoke Bomb Meme/GIF"*

by BowlOfOatMeal2 February 3, 2022

GIF of the gab

A person who replies to messages using either the animated or static GIF format

"He replies with an appropriate GIF for almost every message that I send. He's got the GIF of the gab."

by Matt Windle poet October 27, 2020


verb. The heroic act of using one’s fingers and thumbs for forward a live action single frame comic to one deemed worthy.

Reginald emitted a wry chuckle, the decision to re-GIF the meme a no brainer, as the 3 second loop of the fainting goat connected his inner monologue with the desire to impress his crush.

by ThreeStarBear January 3, 2025

Gif name?

What Instagram commenters reply with to gifs they want access to but can't find themselves. Usually accompanied with either no replies, or a gif search that doesn't work anymore.

*Gif of two men making out*

Gif name?

by Onandonandomnom April 29, 2024