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turbo boner

A person that has a such a gnar erection that nothing can make it go away

dude i cant get up...some one will see my turb0 b0ner

by waaaaaaah January 28, 2005

33πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

turbo fist

Fast and furious masturbation by a male.

He was beating off so quickly it was almost like he had a turbo fist.

by Kajoe September 5, 2006

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Turbo Simp

Someone who is not just a Simp , but a person that goes beyond the boundaries of simpness and reaches new simp horizons

Hey dude , isn't Alexander Turbo Simping for Maria?

He totally is dude . Last night he said he could die for her and she wouldn't have to do anything in return.

by SimpSlayer43413 July 4, 2020

turbo dad

β€˜Busy fucking Dad who can do it all’

β€˜Makes the rest of the dads look pony’

β€˜Squeeze as much as you can in one day and life will not come to a stand still’

Yeah, he is a turbo Dad, gives it full send 24/7 with his lad’

by Louis Lawson August 10, 2022

turbo mode

full of energy; strong emotion to accomplish something

I was in turbo mode during this semester.

by ash_ole December 14, 2020

Turbo dick

(n) is when you mount a girl and give her the dick so fast and hard that you reach completion within 5-12 seconds. If she finishes you fucked up. Membling turbo dick under your breath is strongly encouraged to increase effectiveness.

Matt Brewer just gave you the turbo dick.

by The real Cookie Monster September 30, 2013

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Turbo nigger

A Nigger faster than the average Nigger.

"Damn that nigger is fast ,David, " "Yup, he's a turbo nigger, Sebastian".

by david June 18, 2006

565πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž