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In meme culture, social media, chats, messengers etc: a playful synonym for violence.

and suddenly: violins!

by nobswolf January 12, 2025


an instrument that you play on if you want to constantly have low self-esteem

I hate playing the violin

by retardbutt October 3, 2022


To cut off someone’s head because you are doing the same movement as you would with a violin.

Jabari: I’m gonna tickle you!
Omar: if you do that one more time I will violin you!

by Omario the king 👑 November 1, 2023


she played music on her violin as she cried cause she hated it but her parents made her do it

addy and i were laughing cause she had to play the violin and she looked dumb


by addys big poopy pants March 16, 2023


a useless instrument to waste years of your life, for fucks sake i mean go outside or something, jesus christ, i mean, no one goes outside but you know, choke the chicken..

im going to waste years of my life playing the *Violin*

by A guy here to waste your time October 12, 2019

Violin Expert

Someone who tends to cut certain areas of their body, and does so with a knife. The act of cutting represents the movement of a person playing the violin.

John-'Hey Barry, I heard you're a total violin expert'

Barry-'I do pride myself in my ways of playing the viol...'

John-'Not like that, you nerd'

by Obama Bin Laden September 25, 2016

tracing a violin

performing oral sex

“Hey I heard he was tracing a violin on her last night...”
“Omg what a skank!”

by papalicious April 27, 2021