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Weird Al

Short for "Weird Al Yankovic".

A living legend that has made his name in spotlights for creating clever parodies of other hit songs. He even starred in one movie called UHF, which was highly underappreciated then, but now it's a cult classic. Overall, Weird Al is better off in music than in movies, despite how funny UHF was.

"Hey I know this song it's......hey this isn't Weird Al!!"
-me hearing a song that sounds like one of Weird Al's spoofs, until it turns out not to be Weird Al

by Dave June 22, 2004

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weird unit

Australian slang for a strange person.

Keith's dad is a weird unit.

by weirdunit March 22, 2018

Dats weird

Dats weird is when something really abnormal and strange happens.

My brother got hit by a car and he is fine

What?..... dats weird

by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 7, 2019

weird vibe

An unusual and/or somewhat uncomfortable feeling in response to a person, place or situation.

Grandma's birthday party had a weird vibe. At her request, the DJ kept playing "It's Raining Men" over and over again.

Some beach towns in California have a weird vibe, but I keep going back to 'em.

by yes juanito yes March 25, 2015

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Weird Al

Full Name: Weird Al Yankovich.

Funny guy who writes great lyrics usually as parodies of infectious hit songs. A common misconception is that Weird Al writes lyrics to make fun of other artists, but that simply is not true. He always gets permission from the artists before he publishes his parodies. The one time an artist complained about a parody that Weird Al wrote, it turned out to be communication error. Sometimes artists will even approach him to do parodies of their songs.

Some musicians have noted that in order for one to know if they have really "made it" in the music business is to have one of your songs parodied by Al!

Although his lyrics are funny, often VERY funny, Weird Al doesn't have the best voice, nor is he the best entertainer. In fact many find that his vocals and accordian accompaniments are very annoying.

I THOUGHT I was getting tired of Achy-Breaky Heart until Weird Al did a parody of it. Now I KNOW I'm sick of it, AND the parody.

by Alfie The Horndog August 11, 2005

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Weird Jesus

a synonym for evangelical, most commonly used by someone who is Christian but not radically so as a put-down for someone who is radically Christian

He got into that Weird Jesus stuff. Now he goes to a different church where they speak in tongues...

by Bubba Lebowski April 12, 2011

Weird Wednesday

Social movement organization with its main goal to make society more embrassing of personal weirdness and social deviance.

Founder Zane Cruz. @slapthatducko on social media. Their hashtag is #ZaysWeirdWednesday
I've seen a few things they do it's really cool and funny.

Mark: what's up with all the people dressed like tik tokers?
Alex: that's the weird Wednesday thingy. Today was Visco girls vs. eboys/egirls.
Sandra: oo, fun.

by Weird supporter of gays October 23, 2019