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white boy simps

white boy simps, also known as wbsgc, a minecraft youtuber twitter groupchat well known for their philza minecraft block, and famous rumor, "baldnap"

"Have you heard of wbsgc?"
"You mean White boy simps?"

by endpearl December 2, 2020

white boi religion

If you are part of white boi religion you are Ethier named Kayle or Conner, you Ethier have a middle part mullet or a perm If you play cod you probably have every slur imagineable at your finger tips but however if you play fortnite you probably haven't hit puberty and your voice is really high pitched so your a squeaker also you play hockey 6 out of 7 days of the week you don't play it on Sunday because it's the Lord's Day :)

(Person one) What's Conner's religion

(Person two) white boi religion
(Person one) what's that?

(Person two) you don't wanna know...

by Marquisee November 4, 2021

white boy lettuce

White Boy Lettuce-

Definition One: The practice of throwing lettuce at white boys.

Definition Two: The white part of a lettuce. It’s what your parents use for sex toys because your dad is gay. And your mom doesn’t like your dad’s small d*ck!

She say do you love me, I tell her only partly I only love my WHITE BOY LETTUCE!”

by Your Mum Is V Gay December 2, 2018

preppy white boy

The boy at school who only wears short khaki shorts with polos also vineyard vines, sperry & patagonia shirts. Boys like this wear the fanciest brand of shoes, always.. some of those brands include uggs, boat shoes, chacos, nikes etc. The one who drives a cool car and get hits on by all the girls. Also the guy who gets all A's and never fails to make his parents proud.

Rich White girl: Katie, have you seen the new boy? He's so cool.

Katie: He is such a preppy white boy. I bet if you touch him, his dad will sue you.

by Blubby August 15, 2017

12👍 2👎

typical white boy

Stereotypical white male, with blonde hair often paired with blue eyes. Into sports; specifically football, wrestling, or lacrosse. Goes to the gym to work out. Usually has a fairly large ego because he knows that he's cute and uses this to his advantage. As a result, a lot of girls might think that he comes off as a bit of a douche bag. Likes fitted hats and nice kicks, knows how to dress and has swag. Typically drives a BMW, Acura, or another cart of similar kind (though it might not be the newest model). Is pretty cool with a number of different "stereotypical" groups. Likes to party, drink, flirt with girls, hook up, and have sex.

Girl 1: I just saw Joe at the gym, he's so cute! He plays football AND lacrosse. He pulled up in his BMW when he was leaving and asked for my number, I can't believe it.

Girl 2: You always go for the typical white boy!

by wellimjustsayin December 6, 2011

133👍 58👎

White Boy Magic

Term Coined by KG (a Brooklynite) to explain where his money comes from.

Its based on how a magician pulls a rabbit out of a hat, its just MAGIC!!!

"man how are your pockets always full?"-???

"White Boy Magic my dude, White Boy Magic"-KG

by $K.G$ May 1, 2012

31👍 10👎

white boy dick

Someone with an extreemly small penis.

When I pulled down my pants she laughed because all I had to offer was a little white boy dick.

by N Alleem April 16, 2007

888👍 475👎