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G down

opposite of g up - to chill out or calm down

Yo G down bro!

by the g down gang May 10, 2021

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An effect with negative colors with the pitches -12, -5, 0, +4, +7 and +12.

I made the songs in G-Major.

by Matthew678 February 6, 2019

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Rossella G

Absolute bombshell, wifey material.

Did you see Rossella G, she is so hot!

by barrrucccii December 9, 2020

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A person who tends to get great gigs for his band. Reduction acronym from Great God of Gigs.

band member A: "You are a total G-cube for getting us this sweet gig, bro'"
G-cube: "All in a day's work. I love me."

by Bruhaha November 22, 2007

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ruby g

that one bitch you know

oh look at that bitch over there ruby g

by weirdflex but ok October 18, 2019

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All the G's

To describe a phone which has the three most popular features.
and Wi-Fi 802.11g

Im upgrading my Blackberry, I need one with all the G's.

by sug172 May 15, 2010

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Creepy G

An individaul who looks creepy by nature, but additionally walks and stares aimlessly into the wild blue yonder. They are often middle aged and when appraoched, they mumble to themselves about electronics and the reincarceration of Marvin Gaye.

My neighbors are Creepy G's.

by SgtSpratt February 5, 2010

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