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A lemon is a sour yellow fruit. And sussy stuff in a fanfiction.

1: Did you know that this story has a lemon
2: Oh like theyre gonna eat lemons
1: Well, not that kind of lemon

by MCPELaiwei September 11, 2022


Lemons are a fruit, mot people know that, but the word "lemon" in lets say, Wattpad stories, can mean something else. That "something else" is smut, sex, and other reproductive activities. the first sentence is the "smut" part the second sentence is about the actual fruit.

"Last night I stayed up til like, 5 reading gay lemon stories!"

"im not sure if i should put a lemon slice on my drink or not"

by FuckYouInParticular August 26, 2023


cool,funny, interesting. something you’d hear from a FOOTBALL HOOLIGAN or a MOD .

hey, that Liam Gallagher performance was pretty lemon last night.

by stonedroseslmfao June 30, 2022


The opposite effect; reverse jinx

Buddy tried throwing me a lemon to help me out… and it actually worked

by Your Local Football Fan May 10, 2024


a word used when describing a eldritch being that has been tormenting your dreams. please help it doesn’t let me call it by its name, it can only be known as lemon, it won’t stop.

person a: “hey are you okay?..”
person b: “lemon.. lemon..”
person a: “what?.. why are you talking about lemons?..”
person b: “LEMON!”

by VerySeriousPerson March 3, 2022


direct translation of the Italian verb "limonare", meaning "to kiss deeply, with the tongues describing large circles, in the shape of a cut lemon". Recently also became a substantive "a Lemon". Say "give me a hard lemon. Now"

Guy1: "Did you lemon her yesterday night, uhm?"

Guy 2: " oh yeah, we were lemoning for the whole evening. My lips feel quite tired now."

by pinguo June 4, 2015



Look it's lemon.
Yea your right

by Bluefox15 October 25, 2023