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hairy chode

A hairy chode is someone who thinks its funny define your name as something Gay. In another sense this means that the ugly bastard is placing a lame definition for your name.

i have this stupid hairy chode freind who placed a definition thats gay.

by Aaron pontious October 3, 2004

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Chode warrior

What a anti-conformist conforming to anti-conformity call a short doosh that is a conformist and drinks a lot of cofee.

Anti-conformist: Hey Chode Warrior
Short Doosh with cofee: What?

by Anti-Anti-Conformist April 30, 2005

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nipple chode

A nipple that resembles a chode

haha look at owains nipples, they look like chodes growin on his man boobs

by The_Reaper January 11, 2005

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chode toes

Toes that resemble a chode; ie. they have a greater width than lenght.

Dear God! She has chode toes!

by J-Mo & J-Ho December 11, 2007

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Chode Monger

A girl who is too pussy to take a huge dick and only settles for chodes

Jenny: Is she gonna have sex with Jamal?
Martha: Nah, she's too much of a chode monger

by Jihad_Unit April 7, 2008

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chode monger

One who sells or deals in chodes

Your such a fucking chode monger

by moocow547 October 13, 2006

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chode waffle

The chode waffle is a short fat female creature having the body of an overweight dwarf and the vagina of a blue waffle victim. this saying can be reserved for the rankest of small fat chicks, but also works either way, pretty much if you're called a chode waffle, you're undisputably putrid and a blot to female society.

Amy siddall is an absolute chode waffle! she smells like road kill and is wearing the same clothes from two weeks ago. Fat Chode waffle

by John ashby July 27, 2010

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