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Cockroach Effect

General public coming out for recreational activity when the weather is only warm and sunny.

This phenomena usually occurs early spring in climates where cold winters occur. ie Northern USA and Canada.
Active people such as serious runners/triathletes/cyclist are not part of the effect due to the fact that they are usually serious about their cause and cold weather does not affect them.

99% of all other people that go for walks, bike rides, and runs to get fit from all the fat they gained over the winter, but only, when the temperature rises above 32F/0C with he sun shining and no wind are part of the cockroach effect. As soon as the sun the goes behind the cloud or the wind picks up they scatter back in their homes to eat and sleep and shit. (Like a cockroach) and wait for another super perfect nice sunny day to continue their non-existent goal to fitness.

If you go for walks, runs, bike ride, play sports (to name a few activities) only when the weather is perfect. Your part of the cockroach effect...

If you go to the gym, or stop being active in the winter...Your part of the cockroach effect...

If you decide to become fit and go for a run when the sun is only shining and you haven't run since high-school thinking you will be skinny and fit, but quit, as soon as the temperature drops or even before that... Your part of the cockroach effect...

At this point you should kill your self.

Hey Daniel, I've been riding my mountain bike all winter. Wanted to go today but is a really sunny day and the trails will packed with people who haven't been outdoors since last summer.

I hear you bud, I hate the cockroach effect.

by Downfallofsociety March 18, 2013

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The Haysbert Effect

A new term coined by a great philosopher.

This is when someone THINKS Denzel Washington is the Black guy from All State Insurance commercials WHEN in fact he is not and the said person goes into a frenzy like state thus resulting in a statement being said such as "DUUUDE I THOUGHT THAT WAS HIM!".

Dennis Haysbert:"Are you in good hands?"

Person 1:*Stands up and spills cereal* What the HELL did Denzel Washington just try selling to me?...insurance?

Person 2:No, dude it's Dennis Haysbert!That guy from "The Unit".

Person 1:*Sits back down* Oooh!...wait...*Goes into shock*

Person 2:*Ignores friend spazzing on floor yelling* Damn, The Haysbert Effect...always making people spill cereal on my damn carpet.

by Lucielio Mitchell April 29, 2010

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The Ripple Effect

When dating a relatively attractive broad for a period of three to eight months, then amicably break up with her. While you were in the relationship, you befriended her hot friends making them available to you once you were back in the market. Since you broke up with your girlfriend nicely she is also available to you in the future if you desire to do so.

This is called the ripple effect because like when casting a pebble into a pond causing one action to lead to many, one action (i.e. your original relationship) leads to waves of other broads available to you.

Ryan: Yo man that kid's been going out with that broad for way to damn long now.
Knox: Yea, it's gonna pay off through 'cause it's gonna cause a massive ripple effect when they break up.

...hence, the ripple effect.

by Frank N Stein. December 13, 2008

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digg effect

the result of an online story hitting the frontpage of digg

it creates a massive swarm of traffic to the website that was "dugg", causing the servers that the website is hosted on to become extremely slow and laggy

Person One: dude, my website just got to the front page of digg!
Person Two: soon, you'll be suffering from the digg effect

by Graham T C June 13, 2006

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The Adam Effect

The typical boy who wears high socks and v-necks and can win girls over with the wink of an eye.

It was the adam effect when I saw him. It was so easy to fall for him.

by zoelikescupcakes December 18, 2010

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Hopkins Effect

When you make a post on Facebook and it receives around 500 comments over the course of a few hours.

300 comment later....

Bob: Man this status is having a Hopkins Effect
Rob: Yeah man, but I just can’t stop commenting.

by IBDictionary October 10, 2011

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Effective Monday

When after a three-day weekend or vacation your first day back at work falls on a day other than Monday. The sensation of Monday is present, only worse.

"It may be Tuesday, but since we were off yesterday this is Effective Monday."

by Casey Fleming September 4, 2007

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