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Falling from cloud 9

When someone says they are “ Falling from cloud 9.” They are stating that they are falling out of love, or losing their happiness because “Cloud 9” itself means extremely happy.

Shes falling from cloud 9. Someone save her.

by therealdifference July 8, 2024

1👍 2👎

Falls Forecast

When you are able to predict the downside / accidents in future.

Last night, I had a contemplation about falls forecast and the outcomes of those are said to be bizarre.

by Rated R Punk November 8, 2015

faking a fall out

Intentionally starting an argument with your significant other and acting like you never did just so they’ll be mad at you and not wanna talk to you so that way you can do whatever you want to

you are always faking a fall out so you can be with other bitches

by D3$$thaM3$$ July 12, 2023

fgm fall guys clan

This is the best fall guys clan of fall guys masters. You need more than 3 crowns to join.

Hey I think I should join fgm fall guys clan.

by hunschtvedgeon July 13, 2022

Tacko Fall

A nba player who may not be good but a great personality Who is 7’5

Kevin Harlem: Tacko Fall with the windmill dunk on Bol Bol

by I have a crazy obsession with November 11, 2020

Niagra Falls

When someone is crying with their eyeliner on, the residue of the eyeliner looks like a waterfall, thus a misspelled version of “Niagara falls”. Don’t bully with it tho ):<

Person: *sends a pic of themselves crying*
You: haha Niagra Falls
Person: whatever 🙄

by Romié February 22, 2021

FYS (Fall Yellowjacket Syndrome)

FYS or Fall Yellowjacket Syndrome is a pattern of behavior associated with an identity crisis in older single men, who become bitter, hyper competitive, misogynistic, and narcissistic trying to assert their worth to others when faced with the realization that they will die alone.

Just like a yellowjacket wasp is more likely to become aggressive and sting in the fall, the male with FYS is prone to lash out, engage in maladaptive coping strategies such a heavy drinking/ drugging, take a renewed interest in youthful hobbies to prove he's "still got it", and repeatedly act absolutely nasty towards younger / more fulfilled people than himself whom he is envious of.

Erik has FYS (Fall Yellowjacket Syndrome). Erik couldn't congratulate Daniel on his job promotion without including several backhanded compliments and saying how much more he can lift than Daniel.

by xgreenjeansx January 6, 2025