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A person who trolls niche branding, fashion, culture, or philosophy solely to be "hip;" usually of affluent background. A distinctively pompous nonconformist.

That tiny bar down the street used to be a cool hangout until tourists and hipsters heard about it.

by PBJ_ok November 18, 2018


To qualify as real hipster you need to posses Allan Ginsberg qualities. You need to be a communist, a homosexual and a user of drugs. However by 2012, this term started to be used by mass media and became a synonym for phony normie plebeians who come destroy all things good.

-I'm a hipster
-so you write experimental poetry, salute trotsky and take it up the bum?
-no, i listen to skrillix

by jnknyfb January 20, 2017


1. a trendy clown
2. a social oxymoron

To become a hipster you need these fancy thick rims and a skrillex haircut to underline your independence

by jnknyfb January 20, 2017


The enemy of the emo. The two groups generally hate each other. Emo people will generally try to drown hipsters in the mainstream, while hipsters will put the emos in a circle room so they have no corner to cry in.

"Ugh. It's a hipster." Says the emo girl.

"I listened to that band before I was cool." Replies the hipster girl.

*war begins*

by emotional emo May 31, 2015


Hipsters come from affluent backgrounds, they form a part of the aristocracy: the bigotted, highbrow behavior toward others is tinged with Victorian-era, teleological world views, which is naturally a display of their position in the power relations within society. This statement is emblematic of this subculture in that in the process of attempting to distance themselves from their hereditary, privileged class group, nevertheless continue to exhibit a contemporary version of the same prejudice and exceptionalism which further buttress their position in the social power schema. This is why neighborhoods are often gentrified to accommodate to appeal for the hipster demographic.

Don't drive your '86 chevy over there, the hipsters will tell you how you should ride a bike or drive a hybrid instead.

by Gato Volador December 3, 2014


Characteristics of a hipster

-man bun
- tattoos

- avocado toast
- fjall raven backpacks
- beanies
- coffee
-no makeup (except eyeliner)

- organic donuts
-drinks too much tea

OMG! They are such hipsters!

by Mayacharlie February 27, 2018


One who carries their camera in a wooden crate, coz camera bags are way too mainstream.

Will never admit to being hipster.

Zach is wearing a plaid shirt. Such hipster

by swagow May 7, 2014