When your entire body is telling you that explosive diarrhea is at critical stages, but you get a normal poop instead.
I did the Diarrhea Quick Step, barely made it, but it was a Surprise Log.
When you are a man and you have sex and a few hours later you have to pee bit the crusty jizz is blockng the way causing a sharp pain.
"Damn man I forgot to clean things off after I banged Sheila last night. Thought I peed glass for second."
"Dude, blue veined log jam... you always forget."
When you don’t clean your rear end. Don’t be a douche-douche! You can at least make sure one end is clean.
When we went to town- I heard he caught a case of inappropriate logging.
The log laws were a series of regulations passed by the British Parliament during the 1900s to restrict population growth and prevent famine. The log laws stated that under any circumstances, no man residing within the British Empire should impregnate a woman with said man's "log" more than once within the span of 57 fortnights, or 798 days. The log laws also stated that any man who violated these laws would be punished, and his punishment would be up to the discretion of his governor.
The governor has requested that any man found violating the log laws be beheaded in the town square.
A alternative, more appropriate way of saying the phrase, “For the Love of God.”
“Are finished yet?”
“No, we still have to carry the basket to the top.”
“Oh, Feature Log!”
When at the point of ejaculation, the man places the tip of his penis firmly against the woman's ear canal and releases his cum. After shooting his cum into the woman's ear he uses his finger or a q-tip to jam the cum into the ear canal as deep as possible.
I met this girl at the bar yesterday. Took her home and gave her a Muskoka Log Jam.
A slang term for someone who throws beer bottles at objects foreheads causing the glass to shatter and shards cut into facia liquid tissue looking like you ca,e out of the sawmill. It’s 5th degree burn of evil.
Don’t throw beer bottles like murder weapons. Log slicing should never be taught at home. It’s pure evil and way beyond illegal.