Source Code


A mechanical device.

Curly- You talking to my girl? I should mess you up right now.

Lennie- I wasn't talking to your girl Curly, it's going to get caught in the machine if you keep doing that. Then will you calm down?

Curly- Okay, I'm calm for now. But don't let the calm fool you, I'll fuck you up if you try to clown me.

Lennie- Okay, I won't try.

by The Original Agahnim January 3, 2022


A word most commonly used by "toronto mans" meaning gun.

"Yo dawg where's da machine"

by Stickwood Jr March 2, 2022


Slang for crack pipe.

(In a circle of crack heads, crettin their next rock) “Hurry up and pass us that there machine our kid.”

by Kravin April 7, 2022


Something that is part of a larger, collective machine.

That guy smashing the bottles over his head to feel something is a machine, he's a clown.

by Solid Mantis May 6, 2021


Taken apart

She machined that fish!

by Coco135 May 1, 2016

Sauce Machine

In most terms, usually gaming, a "Sauce Machine" is any effective tactic being used in a competitive or social game, whether it be a modified vehicle, weapon or character itself. The term "Sauce Machine" is synonymous to the phrase META (Most Effective Tactic Available). The term is popular with a YouTuber named "Ghilliemaster", who uses the phrase to describe a specific vehicle in the game Grand Theft Auto V.

Gamer 1: Dude! Why is that gun so good!? You just shredded me to pieces!
Gamer 2: I'm telling you, the SMG a complete and utter Sauce Machine.

Ex. 2
Gamer 1: Bro. In War Thunder, the Su-27 is an absolute Sauce Machine. It has a 30mm Cannon that shreds, a shit ton of missiles, and it turns on a dime! What else could you ask for!?

by SerialNonce42 April 29, 2024

Sauce Machine

A sauce machine is a woman or man who you know to be having lots of sex. He/she is sexier than anyone who you've seen probably since your last ex girlfriend or boyfriend, and you cannot resist their sexual energy.

That lady standing at the bar is a sauce machine and she needs me to turn up the flame.

by mr.sauce machine April 12, 2011