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Not as the easiest thing to do in school. For me it's like kind of easy it starts to be easy and then gets hard.

Me: *Parents make me studies*
Teacher: Guess what?
Classmate Girly1: A math game please be a fricking math game
Classmate Boy1: I wonder if its a math test.
Me: djsdhadhoai sfshhdfshdfkajsdf ahhahaahahahahaha bet not a test i swaeraererrr
Teacher: Its a test
Me: naodnaondonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
"During Test"
Me : * Finishes after 10 mins*

Class: >cO

Me: What I'm forced to study

Everyone: *Wishes they did that* 0o0

by December 2, 2022


M ath
A buse
T o
H umans

I hate math

by grumpygrandma37 December 5, 2018


M ental
A buse
T o
H umans

I hate math

by grumpygrandma37 December 5, 2018


Math means, MENTAL ABUSE THATS HARD. We all, most of us hate it for that reason, we can just use calculators. THATS FINAL

I hate math because it’s mentally abusive that’s hard

by Tiktok girl October 13, 2019


a torture method used on children 5 days a week. Sometimes on weekends as well.

I hate maths!
I don't understand maths.

by HelloKittyLover66 October 26, 2022


Math means a dumb bitch that should not be used ever.πŸ™„πŸ€š it makes you go insane!-😭🀚it makes you almost kys!πŸ₯Ί

β€œWe’re doing Math!” .-Ima kms rn..-πŸ˜«πŸ˜­πŸ€šπŸ™„πŸ”ͺ😏πŸ₯΅πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

by paytonanonclipz on tt December 16, 2020


(abb.) Mental abuse to human.

i f-king hate Math.

by wcam.mmm September 20, 2023