When an unlucky individual is changing the shoes on a horses rear hooves and the horse decides it's a perfect time to take dump.
Jebadiah's wife, Emma, was crowned with an Amish Mud Hat today just before breakfast.
the act of two african males placing thier butt holes together and deficating in eachothers rectums
after a night of african mud booting i shit blood and corn for days. I dont even eat corn.
It is when you are on an important business call and trying very hard to accomplish something but you are getting nowhere.
No buddy, It is like “spinning tires in the mud”.
We are getting nowhere.
1. A person who dives into clogged sewers to clean them.
2. A drunk man that falls in an outhouse hole.
I feel bad for that Pakistani mud rat, he couldn’t even see the hole
the mid-dump act of moving from one stall to another in order to finish one's business in the event of a clog or other unforeseen event
I took such a huge dump that it clogged the toilet before I could wipe. I had to do the mud butt shuffle to the stall next to me to finish up.
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The act of leaving a sht stain on a woman's rib cage while having intercourse with her breast, aka "titty fucking."
Seeing how I totally gave her a pasadena mud slide, I don't think she will be calling me back anytime soon.
230👍 60👎
Pouncing gay man. "Mud" is slang for shit, combined with toothy predator = ass predator.
20👍 185👎