An annoying, moody, dramatic, little baby. Usually hard to deal with. Wildly insecure, cries far too much, cares only about looks and boys. This newer version of little sister comes with some cons:
-Insecure about everything
-Is 'always' right in there eyes
-Thinks she is ugly although multiple boys have had crushes on her in the span of a year.
You: Hot dog! Carson's sister is sure a teenage Little sister.
Carson: what the (CENSORED) does that even mean
Spouse's half-sister or half-brother's wife.
My half-sister-in-law is a good person.
1- Half-sibling's wife.
2- Spouse's half-sister.
My half-sister-in-law is a good person.
1- Half-sibling's wife.
2- Spouse's half-sister.
a fat fucking nun with a loose pussy
wow she's a real sister Mary koont
A group of girls who smoke marijuana together.
Anthony: Yo man, I like that girl Natalie but she's always stoned.
Ben: Of course dude, she's one of the cabbage sisters.
Kick your sister day is on august the second so they should beware of where they go on that one day
Kick your sister day is when you are able to kick the ever living daylights out of your sister