A group of 4 girls. Their friendship is unique because they are all equally crazy. Although their group is sometimes divided, they always meet in the breaks to laugh together and to cuddle on the ground. Either you're friends with them, or you're make nasty remarks about their profil pictures . There is nothing in between. They always keep together and are the coolest in their school.
New Girl: Why are they lying on the ground??
Girl: It's the Kaffee-Squad it's normal for them.
The friend that is disapproving of almost any action and tends to have a small comfort zone.
I asked the squad dad if he wanted to come and he said we are wasting our time.
Squad created by User on Youtube. People who hates trump and hates trolls on youtube joins it to raid em. Is JRS for short
Member of Jrs: Wanna raid donald trump?
Japan Raid Squad leader: HELL YE
A gang of people called bitch who hang out together. If one of the member of the bitch squad gets attacked then every bitch comes in and bashed up the person who was attacking the bitch. If someone not in the bitch gang gets called a bitch, the person who called then a bitch gets bashed
One member of the bitch squad says to the other ' hey bitch'
the other one says 'oh hey bitch'
A group of lads in secondary school/college who think that if they copy their groups name from Geordie shore people will think they're cool. Care more about pulling than having a laugh and there's always one outsider. Would also be beaten by both a wolf pack of a group of lush kings.
'What are those lads doing over there pulling off eachother a flutes?'
'Don't mind them, they're just a bucking squad'
squirt squad fastest and the farthest squriters ever. we know how to squirt sooo hard. we have a bookclub on tumblr every saturday where we queef we rub our nipples and we squirt. amber is the leader of the toe squirters while londynn is the leader of the republican squirters daisy is the leader of the queer squirters and maddy is teh leader of the fastest and quickest squirters all together we squirt and fuck.
"omg i wish i could join squirt squad they r so hot and sexy and cunty"