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Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is an American singer songwriter. She started out as a country musician, but now she's a pop star. She has recieved some criticism because her songs are said to talk only about boys, but her album sales and popularity have gone up nonetheless. She was mainly criticized because of the sexism of heteronormative society, who shat on her because she had feelings and because of what she looked like. She has, however, evolved from that criticism and learned to Shake it off

Guy 1: Yo, what's that sick beat I hear on the radio?
Guy 2: That's Shake it off.
Guy 3: Isn't that from that chick who used to cry over Joe Jonas? Taylor Swift?
Guy 2: Dude, she's fly. If only you stopped judging people based on who they used to date and what they did like, five years ago, you'd enjoy way more stuff
Guy 1: Praise it.

by meawingaround July 9, 2015

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lucy and taylor

lucy and taylor are simply a amazing couple and are simply beautiful they are so similar in a good way and have a lot in common taylor really loves lucy and cares a lot about her and they cannot be separated

lucy and taylor are perfection

by unknown anonymous6969 August 23, 2021

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The Taylor Page

The Taylor Page is when you do something very funny and embarrassing and everybody laughs at you.

Dude1: Man, did you hear that Billy did The Taylor Page?

Dude2: SERIOUSLY?? He fucked a black chick!? While drunk??

by moocowboowow August 21, 2009

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Taylor Ham

The wrong name for Pork Roll.

I can't believe some people refer to Pork Roll as Taylor Ham, I guess more people are dropped as babies than I thought.

by IHaveSevenNipples May 20, 2021

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Thomas Taylor

A drunk sex guy who likes to beat children and supports fifa pack openings and fingers his gf

That drunk is a Thomas Taylor

by Adamulla water needer October 26, 2020

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Taylor lee

A person with a small dick and no personality.
If u ever meet a taylor kill it pls.

Damn imma kill this taylor lee

by Takeituptheass69 October 5, 2019

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Garrison Taylor

Garrison Taylor is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. He's both charming and awkward at the same time, which really just makes him even cuter. He's the kind of guy to bring you flowers for no reason other than 'because you deserve them'. He's extraordinarily funny and can make anyone smile, even if they're having the worst of days. He's got dozens of friends and cares about all of them. He is loyal, kind, dorky and perfect. Garrison has at least 50 nicknames, all of them silly or weird. He has been through a lot, but it's only made him stronger as a person. He's the type of guy who doesn't get involved in drama, but that does not stop him from voicing his opinion when he needs to. Loyal, caring, funny and cute, he really is the perfect guy.

I'm so glad he waited. I love you, Garrison Taylor.

by lvydve October 24, 2016

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