Where you don't physically/emotionally feel up to insipidly wading through an entire 0%!$&@# textbook-article prior to taking the post-test, and so you simply take the test "first" instead of "last", skimming the book to locate just the answer to each question as you read it off from the test-sheet.
I was always a low-stamina student with short attention-span and poor concentration, so I always had to perform just the reverse test-taking method to pass my exams.
When you don’t know if your viagra is expired, so you pop a few and proceed to helicopter (spin your cock around in a circular motion much like helicopter blades) your cock to make sure it still does it’s job.
“Bro, I brought this girl home but I was all out of viagra. Luckily there was a couple left in a really old container so I had to take one for a test flight.”
a slang word created by brit spaniard to describe balls of the male species.
when i was growing up i thought boys had two seperate teste-sachels!
Ben's blonde girlfriend texted that she was late becauuse the cops gave her a Dewey test by making her walk along a white piece of tape while toching her nose and saying the alphabet backwards.
When your gay
I love a jolly old smack the testes
its so good
i find the pacer test fitness sucky sucky me very god.
I did a nuclear test on those porno flicks skit dam!