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a noun that is really cool

damn homie that girls lookin fly
wit dat booty

by brigga December 2, 2003

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Fly bag

A fat bitch's sweaty disco pussy

That fat ganger had the worst fly bag!!!

by Dikpump69 February 9, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

flying falugana

To not care what someone thinks or does; to not give a shit.

I don't give a flying falugana what you do!

by C&L October 4, 2003

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Flying Himstienz

A sex position used by only the talented. Many years of experience are required. It is to have sex with 42 girls using knives, mustard, mayo, pillows, sporks, and gorilla glue. No male body parts are actually used. First you must glue the first 21 girls together with gorilla glue. Do the same with the other 21. Precede by cutting the tips of their hard nipples off with the knives and place them in their nose. Take the mayo and mustard and squirt it everywhere. Remember, the more, the merrier. Lay the pillows down on the ground and let the girls role in the feathers from the pillows. Finally eat out their vagina with a spork.

He totally Flying Himstienz'd her last night.

by JJMONEY April 26, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flying Dutchman

this is where you get a running start and try to get ur balls to hit others in the back of the head they are either sitting down or walking its nearly impossable but ive done it

doug was eating his lunch when joe jumped on the back of his seat and hit him in the head with his balls

by joe brown pimp king April 29, 2005

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Flying Dutchman

To jerk-off all over her face while she is sleeping

That bitch passed out on me so I gave her a Flying Dutchman and blew it all over her face!!!!

by Dinkstar October 1, 2008

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flying eagle

when a woman is naked laying on her back with at least 4 pillows under her ass. a man is at least 5 feet away from the woman. the woman spreads open her vagina, and licks it. the man runs (with a boner) and jumps on top of the woman, jamming his boner far into the vagina, giving pain, but sexual pleasure to the MAX

it was amazing when he gave me a flying eagle at work.

by vaginapussylicker July 15, 2008

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