Slang referencing an extremely good looking Asian man who works a female coworker with an infrequent shower schedule. Let’s call her “Amy”
God, Jason is sooo good looking and Amy hasn’t showered all week!!!
Has the sexiest mom in the whole world
Damn, she is so hot. looks like jasons Mom
An expert in the study of buildings, often hoisted by their own petard. Often found in positions of middle management roles, Jasons have a tendency to blame juniors for adverse situations of their own making. They then tend to shout very loudly, albeit meaninglessly.
I thought you were going to leave the cupboard so we could get inside. You Jasoned it!
The smallest and most minute being in the universe.
Wow i cant believe jason has grown so tall hes almost 3cm.
the textbook definition of slow
“hey did you here about jason?”
“oh yeah, the slow kid right”