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anal orgasm

When a guy fucks a guy ass so good that he cums without much penis stimulation

last time i had anal i blew b4 he did. The best anal orgasm i ever had

by Frazzle6 March 13, 2006

260๐Ÿ‘ 223๐Ÿ‘Ž

anal squeamish

When one walks up to a friend or partner, and gently taps them on the gluttious maximus; and the recipient of the touch pulls away as if he or she is being penetrated. Then one would be considered anal squeamish.

Harry:Hey man hows it going? (Taps Llyod on the gluttious maximus)
Llyod: WHOA!!! (Jumps for fear)
Harry: What are you? Anal Squeamish?

by Rump_roast February 7, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anal Bird

A bird that hides in you poop hole and splashes in the toilet for a while while you taking a poopy. although you hear him when ever you look he is never there.

also know as a semen seagull or SS

dude you a total anal bird!

kid one: I heard that josh is a true anal bird!

kid two: yeah me too and that lance kid as well!

by bird specialist April 21, 2011

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anal spread

A delicious alternative to the bush taco, wherein a solid and juicy shit is spread on bread, toast or eaten with carrots and celery. Intense vommiting may follow.

I have a piece of bread but I have no peanut butter. I do however have anal spread, well I will in about 5 minutes.

by esparagus partridge October 21, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anal Sex

Definately a "Gay" or "Prison" stereotype, but is widely known to men that 1 in 3 chicks dig it up the bum which is choice for avoiding the pitter patter of little feet if your a poor student who cant afford condoms. After the first time one of the party involved is left with a slight limp and does not enjoy sitting as much as they used to.

1. As Hamish bent over to pick up his soap Cornies moved in for the kill gave him some good old anal sex.

2. Jerry spent too much money on the piss so had to have anal sex with Anny because she wasn't on the pill.

3.Charllene said that anal sex felt like a backwards poo and didnt' dig it too much but if she was drunk she would probably give it another go, especially with Mike from Accounts

by kieransmith August 1, 2008

86๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

anal invader

The act of penetrating the anal cavity of an unsuspecting male or female. Animals may also be the targets of anal invading.

Have you met little Johnny Williams who lives down the street?

Yes, Johnny is the biggest anal invader in town.

by Drew and Brock July 27, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

anal assasain

while having sex with a girl, you make her get in the doggy style position then when she's moaning stab your dick into her anus and fuck her until she comes.

man call me the anal assasain, because that girl won't be sitting down for a week and she never saw it coming!

by pyrophalanx27 May 25, 2007

33๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž