1) One who has no idea which words to use correctly in a sentence.
2) Someone who has never used and has no intention of using a dictionary.... EVER.
3) One who has no idea what Merriam Webster's dictionary is.
4) A serious lack of knowledge of the English language.
Dave is completely diction challenged.
Inability or reluctancy to do common household chores, such as cleaning and cooking.
I am domestically challenged because I hate doing the dishes.
There's a lot of people that work here that are vehicularly-challenged.
When you take a water bottle, put it next to your erect penis and see who wins.
Jordan lost the water bottle challenge, so Jenny went to Trevor.
This is when u get in a shopping cart and do fortnite dances while someone pushes you
You should do the Shopping Cart Challenge
A challenge where a person has to drink tapatio sauce and top it off with something else like lemon juice or pickle water.
My neighbor has to do the tapatio challenge since he lost the bet.