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eat dirt

to fall on the ground, preferably on your face

also see eating dirt

jareth fainted, causing him to eat dirt

by cowboylexapro March 26, 2023

eat dirt

when you tell someone to eat dirt, it is usually to present a minor form of annoyance. for example, if someone stole my pen, i’d glare at them and tell them to eat dirt. now, if someone killed my cat, i’d kill them. big difference.

“eat dirt” i say to the annoyance of a child who is consistently tugging on my leg.

by eatmyshooooooooooooorts November 1, 2023

Eat Dirt

telling someone to eat dirt, means as like telling them to leave you alone,

I told elliot to go eat dirt, and he stayed shut

by BigDaDonJohn March 11, 2024

dirt head

Someone with dreads who chooses to look homeless but actually isn’t. A trust-fund young adult with outspoken socialist political leanings and filthy clothes often stinking of patchouli or other incense. Dirt heads can typically be found loitering in small groups, generally with dogs and often with musical instruments. Can often be found busking in urban settings or attending small-venue indie musical acts.

Have you seen Abby recently? She’s a dirt head now. Her armpit hair is dirtier than my nutsac after I wiped my ass back-to-front.

by Uncle Butt March 23, 2023

orange dirt dick

An amusing name for a carrot.

While you’re at the store can you grab a bag of orange dirt dicks.

by Strange Magnificent April 30, 2023

Delaware Dirt Path

The act of performing intercourse through someone's colostomy hole.

Andrew decided to take the Delaware Dirt Path when his 80 year old domestic partner had his b-hole sown shut

by Abhi Jablome August 6, 2017

dirt spin

When a girl is sitting on top getting anal, and she she tucks in her legs and, potentially with assistance from the man underneath, spins around, doing a complete 360 with the dick still inside her.

Man, that girl last night was wild! She was doing dirt spins all night long!

by Kewy December 4, 2021