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joshua dylan thomas

Joshua Dylan Thomas is a ugly person but very smart. Likes to use electronics and is good at them. He likes to play videogames but isn't the greatest at them. Girls tend to hate or not think he's a cool guy but once they know him they think he's funny and a interesting guy.

Hi Joshua Dylan Thomas want to play videogames?

by Nnnnaaaaaaammmmmmmeeeeee123 November 11, 2017

Dylan y

a sexy man who gets woman

Dylan y: a really sexy male who gets lots of girl friends
1:is that Dylan
2: yes he is so sexy

by franc furigana January 26, 2021

Dylan Slusser

Absolute bombshell of a dude. This guy will probably be the coolest person you will ever meet. You should feel insanely lucky to know someone with this name and they are able to make any event an absolute banger.

Woah man is that the Dylan Slusser?

by AyeYoDyl June 7, 2021

Love Dylan day

On October 3 every woman has to love someone named Dylan

Random: hey do Yk what day it is?
Other random: no what Is it?
Random: it’s love Dylan day you should love Dylan

by BigFlip October 3, 2021

Dylan Martin

This guy is always fucking up one way or another, but eventually he'll disappear. Like magic!

Such a Dylan Martin

by Just_me_dj November 24, 2021

hot dylan

a non existant character

no dylans are hot, hot dylan

by YOURURUURURMOM June 18, 2021

Dylan trenck

Somebody who is the definition of a bitch ass nigga. One can usually smell it from a mile away. Usually bald but more so a bitch ass nigga.

Man 1: Wow that dude is a Dylan Trenck

Man 2: what is a Dylan trenck?

Man 1: a dylan trenck is a bitch ass nigga

by Bigoleniggabooty25 June 5, 2024