When you are fucking a girl doggy style and you stick your thumb in her ass and wiggle your fingers luke turkey feathers.
I tipped this waitress well by giving her a nasty turkey in the parking lot.
When your mad and your friend needs a name for you.
Me:(I get mad because he wins monopoly)
My friend: BOI, Your SHOOK NASTY.
When you Lower your car extreamly to where it scrapes the floor
Hey mike your car is dirty nasty low
The exact opposite of what you’d classify as a “trick nasty!” she’s far from being a trick, for she’s not easily played for her dollas… nor is she nasty in any way, shape or form. It isn’t easy to manipulate her into bed with you or get her to participate in sexual activities.
There she go, that there “trick nasty!,” she the shit ,for real for real.
A delinquent teenager that's always up to no good.
I hope Gary's child doesn't grow up to be a shag nasty.