A try hard at multiple games and loves anime. Although he is semi retarded, he is an okay person overall and has an overinflated ego and is strong. He has a lot of hair and dandruff and is constantly saying noob to random people.
The most beautiful soul known to mankind. The purist love anyone can witness. She is fierce, brave, kind, and hardworking. Do not let her go she is a keeper. Best friend and lover all in one, you couldn’t ask for a better combo.
-Ali S.
When you are the person who is trying to see the experience of what something is / or like
Startheprophet - “she bad huh?”
50Kjoyboy - “yea tbh I’m tryna see what that shits like”
You'll see that my mind is too fast for eyes. You're done IN! By the time it's hit you, your last surprise! ooooh~ ooooh~ ooooh~
The speed of light is so abundant that you'll never see it comin!
A reference to a classic book published in 1937. In the book one of the main characters, "Lennie" murders a women by mistake because he had a mental disorder and she was trying to seduce him into doing sexual acts with her... its alot to explain.
tldr: She told Lennie to grab her hair, he grabbed too tight, she screamed to let go, he paniced and killed her. So Lennies best friend, (another main character) George took Lennie to go see the rabbits i a forest by a body of water so Lennie could be in a happy place before George shot him in the back of the head because he was worried Lennie would panic and kill another person and get in even more trouble.
To "Go See The Rabbits" yourself or to take someone else to "Go See The Rabbits" could be subtly refering to suicide, putting down a pet, or murder.
Example #1:
Random Guy: "Life hasnt been going too well... maybe i should go see the rabbits"
Example #2 (i wouldn't do this... sounds kinda fucked up):
"Maybe i should go take (pet name) to go see the rabbits. he/she's getting very sick/old"
Example #3:
"If you dont shut up im gonna go take you to see the rabbits!"
A spelled out name of Mickey Mouse which is M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E in Mickey Mouse Club Theme
1. How do you spell Mickey Mouse
2. em eye see kay ee why em oh you ess ee
From Association Football; a weakly shot ball that manages to find its way into the net due to goal tender inattention or error.
See also seeing eye single
"The Yanks managed a tie England thanks to a seeing eye goal off Green in 2010