I thought I made this word up but it means someone who loves the cock. Usually used as a derrogative.
4๐ 24๐
A game played throughout a town, usually at night. It involves two teams, a team of Nazis and a team of Jews. Both teams carry throwing projectiles such as balls or apples. The Nazi team is much smaller but carries much more apples and spends the game searching for the Jews on bikes. If they find the Jews, who are hiding, they drop the bikes and attempt to capture the Jews and pelt them with the apples. When the Jews are captured, they are tied up and brought to a general location in the middle of the town, either to be guarded, tortured, or freed by the rest of the Jews. The game ends when all Jews are captured. The game is also similar to fugitive and may be referred to as Apples.
What are we doing tonight?
How about a game of Nazis vs. Jews?
51๐ 12๐
n. one who leaches (extracts) knowledge from others by using his/her peers' memorized facts, experience, and/or skill set; and then taking credit for work completed based on that leached knowledge; if his/her peer/s does/do not respond right away, the Knowledge Leach Nazi finds fault in said peer usually cc'ing the manager, team-lead, or supervisor of the fact that said peer has not responded; a Knowledge Leach Nazi usually refrains from researching the facts beforehand and does not know what RTFM is; the Knowledge Leach Nazi knows he/she can simply force the knowledge from said peers either by intimidation, escalation to management, or sighting a time constraint for said peer to respond.
That guy is such a knowledge leach Nazi! Just the other day he wrote me a 12 page email asking for assistance on an install he fubar'ed, but when I didn't email him back within 30 minutes he forwarded the email to our manager claiming I wasn't being cooperative!
23๐ 4๐
Comes directly from the top of McVey (thanks Grace). A semi-derogatory term, taken light-heartedly by the recipient. It literally means that the beholder of the name is very specific in what needs to be done, and expects the crew to do it. If you are part of the crew and reading this, then you need to get back to work! Wankers....
Wanker 1: Damn, the light nazi is really working us hard today.
Worker 2: Yeah...
Light Nazi: Get back to work!!!WANKERS!!!
4๐ 25๐
(n)1. A derogatory term referring to the Urbandictionary.com editors. As expected from a term with such poor mastery of spacing, capitalization, and pluralization, the phrase is generally used by idiots, morons, dumbasses, and nitwits, or as a jab at one of the aforementioned groups.
After submitting 37 definitions of himself in one day and waiting three days only to see that none of them had been published, Kenny exclaimed, "OMG U FUCKING U D NAZI'S GET A LIFE AND STOP DELETING MY AWE SOME DEFS U CUNT'S!!!"
156๐ 51๐
When those dirty Russians kill the nazis they yell out nazi kill as a crew has of victory
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Some one who when buttering bread, has to place them butter side to butter side, placing them any other way is considered a travisty and vile abomination
(1) "hey bro you want some bread?" "OH MY GOD YOU DIDNT PUT THEM BUTTER SIDE TO BUTTER SIDE, freindship over"
"your such a butter nazi"
(2) "my boyfreind totaly gave me two slices of buttered bread...NOT butter side to butter,so i broke up with him, later that night he called me and screamed i was a butter nazi then hung up"
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