someone who gets 8 of 8 on the test.
casi got 8 of 8 girl on her element quiz.
Males going through puberty will definitely watch porn just as females going through puberty will definitely have a period.
My mother asked me as a 14 year old boy at the dinner table, “You don’t watch porn do you, son?”
As I hesitated to respond, my father retorted, “Linda, porn for boys is like periods for girls.”
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A girl that is obsessed with hot cheetos or any other spicy chips over her own family and/or friends. These kinds of girls are typically tall, trendy, and into makeup. They wear fake nails and usually have their hair done. They have more friends than the entire school combined. They are pretty rude, and they'll always be in your class. Always avoid a Hot Cheetos girl at any time.
In conclusion, a Hot Cheetos girl is an obsessive pick-me girl with a high sense of fashion.
Guy 1: Who is that chick over there?
Guy 2: I don't know. But my friends told me she is obsessed with spicy chips.
Guy 1: Oh, then she must be a Hot Cheetos girl.
Guy 3: Yeah, stay away from her. She's just going to talk smack about you.
Hot Cheetos girl: Are you three talking about me? I'm going to spread rumors about you all!
A hot cheetos girl is a Person that lives in the GETO and spends all her money on hot cheetos and TALKIS she is also the vaping tik toker who likes men who shower in garbage and acts like a white person constantly.
(hot cheetos girl) Will u go out with me (any logical person) FUCK NO BITCH GO BACK TO THE GETO AND GET A LIFE.
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The ugliest women in a group of mostly hot women. This women has the car that drive all of the hot women where they need to go. This term is similar to "Grenade" or "Twat Swatter" She also might double as such. Also refer ed as, "the girl who drives."
Guy 1: Damn man, that bitch is ugly.
Guy 2: Yeah, she's the girl with the car.
Guy 3: Where's my whistle?
an internet girl. an internet addicted teenage girl. a girl addicted to her computer. an 8-bit slut. the succubi of the internet. drives up electric bills with extreme electronic usage. found in the trashiest corners of the interweb. digital media scalper. adrenaline and electronic junkie. speaks in code and kaomojis. hoards video game consoles, flip phones, and various computers. enjoys internet spelunking.
that girl online that you like isn’t real! she’s just an i-girl!
there are differences between e-girls and i-girls! but both of them are degenerates.
a farmer girl is someone very dumb and likes to play the game roblox. they have very dirty vans and gave birth to 6 puppies.
a farmer girl likes to eat dirty water