It is on the 69th day of the year, March 10th.
Come on girls, don’t be pussies, ask a boy out!! It’s national ask a boy out day!! You will never know if they like you if you don’t ask!!
Van: Hey Nick i just made some Shadowy Bois
Nick: Hey Aren't Shadowy Bois just Spatula Bois
Van: I guess they are!
slang for "I can't wait to win big"
Person 1: "You going to the casino?"
Person 2: "Naw... Just really not into gambling boys"
His name is Rooty Tootie Pongy boy
Rootie tootie Pongy boy come here immediate
Rootie tootie Pongy boy Stop trying to mount pip
(Verb) The act of running away from your small town to go see your gay crush across the country. Run away turn away, baby.
Mike is literally Smalltown Boying his way outta here!
Me: “Man, Ada Boy is fake af”
Frank “Yeah the dude has to fill his time with skanks”
Love horn nf... always horny n want d most convent gyal and when done war say convent gyall a d worst n how dem love horn n dem is a bunch a hoes
Syd n caril dey but syd still war go lime off iesha from convent and war she all kinda sweet talk rite dey n den smss boys love horn