The girl will like you if she's known you for a decent amount of time and can't help but smile whenever your near. You may think she doesn't like you because she denied it once but in reality she was too embarrassed to say the truth. She will look at you any chance she gets and loves when you make her laugh. Girls like if you defend them and talk to them even if it's just to ask them for a spare pen. The smallest things matter. Shoot your shot or hint to her.
Tips on how a girl may act if she likes you. How to tell if a girl likes you
A buck toothed bitch who likes big black cock and likes to play with her big dildo in the morning and on Friday nights she drinks and dances on a table to oldeerr men. She like a cool lad called jerry he likes cool friges.
Buck teeth girl in a sentence in be used for calling someone with buck teeth gay.
When three girls decide to have an intimate relationship with two guys it's pretty much two guy best friends dream accomplishment
Damn Zach and Cody got it going with Sarah, Hannah and victoria that's three girls two guys
a girl who has a crush on a boy ask them out on november 12
girl hey so i like you and i wanna be with you
boy wow i mean i do to
girl omg yes (thanks national girl ask out boy day)
Weird ghetto girls that can’t behave themselves only 20% of the school can actually behave and half of the school as gotten suspended or gotten dick from a st.martins man before.
“wda he get psy from sjck girls?”
A teenage girl who lives or hangs out in Brooklyn with a particular style.
she wears low waisted jeans, Jordan 1's, sunglasses, and tops that she bought online from fast fashion stores but says she thrifted. usually skinny, white, & mean; often pick me girls.
do you see her leopard print crop top?
yeah I do, what else would she wear she's a Brooklyn girl
A girl named Cadence. She's got eyes that sparkle like the Hudson River, and deep brown eyes that glow in the sunlight. She's got the most amazing smile, and laughter that would drive any sane man mad. She's by far, the most beautiful girl in the world.
Oh, you think she's the most beautiful girl in the world? Nah, that's Cadence, she's The Most Beautiful Girl in the World.