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Short Man's Syndrome

Short Man's Syndrome is the overpoweringly devastating inferiority complex that is inextricably linked to the deadly disability and eternal curse of manletism (the crippling condition of being a manlet - a dwarfed male shorter than 5ft10). Characterized by a profound basis of manlet cope in addition to manlet rage, topped with and generous sprinkling of manlet mathematics and guy height and rounded out by a proclivity for wearing high heels, throwing hissy fits and engaging in embarrassing public catfights - the mental midget and literal subhuman Short Man's Syndrome suffering severely stunted sissy manlet is nothing short of a girlishly gnomish, microscopically minuscule and outrageously overcompensating midget monstrosity. Manlets BTFO.

Jessica: Hey, why is Tiny Tom "Man Card: Impossible" Cruise mud-wrestling that drunken midget over there? Amber: Lol, I don't know. Maybe the midget ate his high heels? Jessica: It's probably just Short Man's Syndrome. Silly manlet boys...

by ManletDepreciator September 25, 2024

diagonalo man

A non straight super hero, dressed in the colors of the rainbow. Would happily take a load of tobacco induced semen in exchange for $168.000.00.

Damn son, are you sure E. Berge is not the true identity of diagonalo man?

by Capt. Retardo November 24, 2016

diagonalo man

A non straigh super human, dressed in the colors of the rainbow. Would gladly take a shot of tobacco induced semen in exchange for $168.000.00.

Is that a plane? Is that a bird? no, I think that's diagonalo man.

by cappy retardino November 25, 2016

White Man In The Room Disease

when a White man who is part of a larger group which includes minorities and/or women, feels that he must share “his” (often unsolicited, typically incorrect) knowledge and/or experience as it pertains to a discussion not involving him.

Bill is married to a Karen, he suffers from White Man In The Room Disease. He feels that he should be the authority on a particular subject in the group, simply because he’s White.

by smellsterriblygood September 11, 2022

Not Muffin Man

Does NOT own a muffin company.

Frederick: Wow, Not Muffin Man has a great muffin company.
Not Muffin Man: Nuh uh.

by I like burger January 29, 2025

Man-Made Brigade

Also known as MMB. He is a soon to be big time YouTuber who makes good content. He is known for being super white, buff as fuck, and getting all the bitches.

Friend 1: "Yo are you subscribed to MMB?"
Friend 2: "Who?"
Friend 1: "Man-Made Brigade, you know the hot hunk YouTuber Influencer"
Friend 2: "No I haven't even heard of him"
Friend 1: "dafuq? get outta here with your little brained, stupid ass. We're not friends anymore"

by 99Blockhead November 26, 2019


The alpha male of his group, usually with a smaller than average penis, but has a leadership personality…

Man look at that man-boa, he commands the respect he deserves

by Mattdamon33 September 12, 2021