To pay a visit to someone, To arrive at a location with the intent on meeting up with another person with or without the person being visited having fore knowledge ahead of time involving the visit.
"Whenever I get out that way imma bump down on you fo sho."
When you and your partner are having sex so rough you hit your head on the (nearest wall or vertical object) and then cum.
Hey! Did you get bed bumped last night? You look like a train wreck.
Any child under 3 feet tall that thinks they are cute by being loud. And being defiant to adults.
Loud singing, Loud talking, Screaming, Jumping, Stomping(Puddle Bumping) up or down the stairs and slamming doors. (ADALIA)
A technique used in stock car racing to pass another car by using your bumper to unsettle the car in front of you.
"He just used the bump and run to get around the leader and take the checkered flag! Bump and Run! It's a thing, look it up!" - Larry McReynolds
When you booty bump another booty on accident....
I was backing off the dance floor when I accidentally bumped coconuts with a complete uggo who then thought I was trying to dance with him fml
Individual who hangs around only to bum a bump from a person
Frank hangs out with Jane only to be a bump bummer not a real friend.
A term of endearment, like snooky ookums, sweetie pie etc. A nonsense word.