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Harper Community SC Story

A community story on Snapchat that was launched exclusively for students with a Harper College email address to join and view others' posts, categorized by graduation year. Initially, the community stories received minimal activity, with little engagement. However, it gradually gained popularity and started featuring a wide range of stories from Harper students, including everyday experiences, teacher and class recommendations, and memes.
Unfortunately, this positive momentum took a turn when certain individuals began posting stories related to political and religious topics. These posts annoyed and frustrated other Harper viewers, prompting them to share and express their opinions on the matter within the community stories. As time went on, the situation escalated, with people calling out others who disagreed and/or insisting to stop sharing political or religious content in the community story in which the majority of students were in agreement and still are today. Due to being a friendly, welcoming community story and not a place to post and share sensitive topics, some individuals are now taking advantage of the platform to share ideas centered around these controversial subjects, leading to controversy among the students and others.

Friend 1: ”Have you seen the latest stories on the Harper community stories on Snapchat?”
Friend 2: “ Yeah, it’s sad and unfortunate. Every other day, someone has to post a sensitive topic and not even a day later, boom.. it’s a shitshow.”

Friend 1: “I just don’t understand why they have the audacity to share this kind of sensitive content. This really defeats the whole purpose of a community story when you have people abusing it as a way to cause conflict and chaos later on.”
Friend 2: “I agree. The Harper Community SC Story should be used to post content free of inappropriate, political, and religious topics.”

by brandt63 November 17, 2023

Community dick

Community dick is the male version of community pussy. They care so much about the community, that they practice practice practice so they make sure they are the best pipe layers they can be... And they do it all for the sake of there community. With that being said, u better keep the antibiotics close cause he don't discriminate where he lays that pipe.

Kendra be getting all mad acting like she don't know zeta is community dick. Everyone knows Zeta is community dick and Angie community pussy of Salem Oregon. For God's sake Kendra, you act like u don't know who he is

by uDontNoWhoIAm4Godsake April 6, 2024

community standards

A bunch of KGB spies of their snowflake division monitor everything you post or say and put you in the Facebook Gulag without a trial or appeal. This is one small step towards communism

Facebook community standards

by DEAN JEANIE December 2, 2022

The Jit Community

To join the Jit Community, you must say the word: "Jit".

"Jit! Get over here"
"Yo man congrats, you're in The Jit Community!"

by bananagames0 March 25, 2022

Communism hill

The hill of comunism

Oh we hitin up communism hill tonight

by Ninetiethcrane July 10, 2019

culver community middle high school

Filled with goes that are fake as hell and don't know how to mind their own business and they always try to be ghetto when they actually are preppy bitches and the boys are always fuckboys

Preppy bitches go to Culver community middle high school.

by datbitch123 April 10, 2021

JJ Studios Community

a place where lgbt ppl come to """ironically""" bully the straight people that join

Mike: "Oh I'd never want to join JJ Studios Community because I'm straight."

Coby: "Yes I, a gay person can finally bully straight people!"

by simpsonreject333 August 3, 2022