Source Code

Roommate's Day

june 13

The day to celebrate roommates everywhere.

Harry Potter gave J.K a nail clipper for Roommate's Day

by Spikeaxe June 13, 2008

32๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

all day err day

A deformation of "all day every day", meaning something happens very often.

Person A: You busy?
Person B: Hell yeah! Hussle all day err day.

by Tatsuman December 23, 2016

slay day

1. A day where everything goes wrong. usually consiting of the worst possible outcome of every situation imaginable. Usually charactrerized by repeatadily yelling "it's a slay day."
2. To destroy or fuck up a random individual out of spite. Typically achieved by stealing and throwing objects at or into cars or passerbys.

1. My good friend William Palmer yelled "it's a slay day" and I instantly knew his math test boned him hard.
2. My good friend Michael Esquibel stole random food from a supermarket and then threw the stolen merchandise at strangers on the sidewalk. That's when I knew it was a slay day

by cdrom112692 June 19, 2011

63๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

day walker15

A man of mystery, has many secrets about everybody and could probly one day take over the world with his knowledge of people.

a man who also thinks H3X is pure noobsauce and cream.

- "I can easily take over the world with my knowledge of people"

- "I think H3X is a pure noobsauce"

by King Vash February 28, 2005

62๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

green day

a day only spent smoking weed

i smoked enough weed yesterday to have a green day

by Omar S October 20, 2006

39๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hump day

Wednesday. The "hump" of the week.

Uh oh... Guess what day it is!

Guess. What. Day. It. Is.
Hey, julie, guess what day it is?
Oh come on, I know you can hear me!
What day is it mike?
Lesley, guess what today is!
(It's hump day)


by Name removed by the NSA December 7, 2013

294๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dai Suki

"Dai Suki" means "I love you" in Japanese. It's also commonly used in Japanese Animes to express affection.
There are several tendencies to express love in Japanese.
"Suki" means "I like you" and an even stronger way to express your love would be "Aishiteru".
There are also polite forms of "Aishiteru".
"Aishite iru" is a less colloquial form of "Aishiteru".
"Aishitemasu " is in polite form and "Aishite imasu" is even more polite.

Nihongo ga dai suki desu - I love Japanese

by Kai1 July 6, 2006

274๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž