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Marlene and dylan

Marlene and dylan are the best couple to ever exist. Everyone wants to be them and can’t wait to be like them. No one can break them up fr, and also Marlene is Dylan’s thicc queen.

Person 1: I’m so jealous of those 2 other there, do you see them?
Person 2: Who Marlene and dylan?

Person 1: Yessss, they are the best couple ever I don’t think they will ever break up!
Person 2: I know I wish I had something like that

by Youwannabelikemarleneanddylan December 23, 2022

Dylan Rossetti

A thoughtful and caring person. If you ever meet one, you will be lucky to call them your boyfriend

Man, I wish Dylan Rossetti was my boyfriend

by That Girl 106 June 22, 2023

dylan purvis

The sexiest person in the world, will always stay by his pals side, this person gets all the girls and is a stoner

Dylan Purvis fingered your mum

by Dylan Purvis February 15, 2017

dylan hoffman

the actor best know for his performance as Andy in “you are so not invited to my bat mitzvah” this young actor was also in 2 episodes of “Next” in 2020, he has over 900,000 followers on his tiktok account “heyitsdylanhoffman”.

friend 1: ew.
friend 2: don’t say ew! that’s dylan hoffman he’s so fine.

by niniloves.you March 23, 2024

Dylan Brandon Carrillo

A Very Epic libtard that Loves Fortnite and gets 20 kills a game because he is Epic

Oh My Fucking God, He is a Dylan Brandon Carrillo

by Alabama Nibba April 10, 2019

Dylan Briggs

Part of the FBI and he’s also associated with Adam Orr and Dylan Moore

Yo wtf its Dylan Briggs

by AdamOrrIsCool June 27, 2019

Dylan Newell

Kawasaki maniac. “For goodness Christ” -Dildo

Dylan newell is a gimp

by November 26, 2023