make it stop please jk never gunna give you up never gunna let you down never gunna run around and dessert you never gunna make you cry never gunna say goodbye never gunna tell a lie
person1: the act of having to live
person2: dont click on that
person1: why
person2: its a rick roll
the act of having to live it sucks
Gethin Jones’s terrible chat show
Oh my god I’m turning that BBC One off because it’s Morning Live again
Essex boomer phrase.
Often used after hearing someone waffle, say or ask something trivial.
Also used when someone says something stupid in front of you that is obviously offensive and will anger you/ third party. Essentially a threat.
TriviaPerson: says something trivial and hardly worth the breath.
Direct, collected and deep Person: "are you tired of living? Son?"
A person or thing who's whole existence is a threat beyond human comprehension and if they choose to could fuck up everything on a global scale
Person 1: you hear about them sayians they destroy whole planets in a night!
Person 2: hell yea that whole race is a living issue
It is live love laugh, i don't fucking care what anybody has to say, who the fuck says live laugh love, you are fucking wrong, IT IS LIVE LOVE LAUGH.
I've had a bad day, but Live Love Laugh
Tom Holland Simps live 5-15 years
How long Tom Holland Simps liveOMG YOUR A Tom Holland Simps love 5-15 years you are going to die