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hoes mad

when a kid named adrian is mad.

Adrian’s mad at me again.”

Hoes mad

by cryingtoe654 June 18, 2019

7👍 20👎

Mad Nice

Don't get fool by the word. Repeat a few times, it actual means DEVIL.

by Vystaa Yo Pimpstaa September 11, 2003

8👍 23👎

mad props

The phrase coined in Legally Blonde: The Musical by the character Margot, originated by Annaleigh Ashford. Fannaleighs like to use the phrase in recognition to her.

"Mad props! He's the campus catch! You're a perfect match!"

by sdgdsfgsfgfdsg April 24, 2008

34👍 133👎

Mad Macius

A name for a wanker

Man, we should call that guy Mad Macius

by Deezed November 29, 2003

2👍 3👎

Mad pirate

A mad pirate is when you cum shot a girl in an eye and then kick her in the shin and then run away so she is limping after you with one eye.

Kayla was a very mad pirate last night.

by Bubbleblower123 May 16, 2016

2👍 4👎


The angry mood associated with a woman's monthly cycle.

Watch out, she got Mad-flow, she bout to start throwing stuff.

by M.F.jones July 4, 2016

2👍 3👎

Mad Dog

A crazy old git that sometimes gets as mardy as his arse even if you haven't done anything wrong. It's a gamble wether you're gonna piss him off or not or vice versa.
It's also a McPorritt that can't find anything to do with his hair, needs to pull his trousers up sometimes and drive a little quicker now and again.

Alan the Mad Dog

by Bobby Ovlov September 9, 2010

2👍 3👎