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magic missile

Also known as a tallywhacker, one-eyed monster, or penis. Used in sex to make babies.

Hey I'm going to stick my fat magic missle into your shaved vagina and give you some of me, k?

by ArcticFox October 23, 2003

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Magic Mike Syndrome

Also called MMS. When an unattractive girl gets with a very attractive guy (around Magic Mike level) and thinks because of that shes worth that.

She looks like the missing link and thinks shes too good for me? That bitch has Magic Mike Syndrome

by insanegod March 5, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

magical fairy tits

Dos tits that you can never catch cuz they are too good for you, so they seem unrealistic.

I went up to the orb, opened the curtain and heard a voice say, "Behold, the magical fairy tits."

by Woahtherebroimjustaunicorn October 13, 2013

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puff the magic dragon

1. the title song of a children's movie. A child with no friends meets the dragon and gets a new friend. This all takes place in a magical town... which the dragon can't leave because if adults see him ... he will be forced to go away. The child is passed over as having an imaginary friend.
2.A reference to smoking pot. as seen in the movie "meet the parents".

Tommy:hay billy guess what I got for my bitrhday?
Billy: I dunna what?
Tommy: A dvd ..."puff the magic dragon".
Billy: cool ... lets go watch it now!

Sue:hay tom did u see meet the parents yet... what's this about puffing the magic dragon?
Tom:I'm not sure ... but it sure made me laugh!

by Lilteddie704 April 10, 2008

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Misty's Magical Vagina

1. A bag of holding
2. In the cartoon Pokemon, the characters travel extensively yet always seem to have many items at their disposal. Where do they store these items? In Misty's magical vagina!
Misty's Magical Vagina has an infinite amount of space and is rumored to have spawned the universe.

Bob: What? I'm watching Pokemon, and they have a table and barbeque in the middle of the forest? Where did they get that?
Joe: Well, they pulled it out of Misty's Magical Vagina, of course!

by Rosalynd Punch October 21, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

magic carpet ride

getting really high with someone and then releasing inhibitions and fully allowing that person to control your trip. e.g. show someone the world as you see it and through their eyes

Sunny got really baked so Leslie took her on a magic carpet ride.

Jenny and Jacob were so high that Jacob was able to take her on a magic carpet ride through his mind.

You can emulate this on a very rudimentary level by watching screen savers and having someone free associate aloud what they see for the other, thus shaping what the other person will see.

by poochyak July 7, 2009

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magic writing stick

A pen.

writing stick

Billy: Hey dude can I borrow your magic writing stick?

by Chris Spargo February 27, 2008

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