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sketch master 3000

someone doing something really sketchy. like if someone shows up to a party and they're just chillin in the back not talking to anyone is a sketch master 3000. also known as sketch master flex.

Hey, look at that guy he just creepily smelled that girls hair.
Ew, definetly sketch master 3000

by robertskinner December 24, 2010

Yoga Master Raj

the saviour of men, the living god, the preacher of yoga, the man, the myth, the legend. he is the bringer of yoga and healer of wounds. when you get put in jail, Yoga Master Raj is the shining light between sanction and insanity. he guides men through the most difficult of times. high schoolers pray to Yoga Master Raj to get good grades and pass their exams. when you are broke and homeless, the great Yoga Master provides yoga stretches to sustain you and warm you on cold nights.

when Jenisus Chrinst entered this world, he was clapped on the ass by the Yoga Master. when Thanos obtained the infinity shit it wasn't the avengers who stopped him. it was The Yoga Master. Hitler didn't suicide. he was clapped into oblivion by the Yoga Master. Luke Skywalker didn't blow up the death star. it was the Yoga Master. it was The Yoga Master. the Yoga Master built the great pyramids of Egypt. he created the theory of relativity. he threw the one ring into the fires of mount doom. he is more powerful than every human being on the planet. he gave life, yoga, salvation and hope to mankind.

when you see the Yoga Master and realise his great uniting powers you will convert to the holy religion of yoga. when his shining face appears before you he will inspire love and yoga stretches. The Master is the most divine and impeccable being to exist within the great universal planes of life and is the giver of sanity and holiness. if you have read this far the great Yoga Master is with you, always.

Jenry: come brother. let us pray for good times to the great Yoga Master Raj.
Joseph: yes brother. let us roll out our yoga mats and stretch our ass cheeks.
Jeroma: indeed good sirs. the Yoga Master brings salvation and love.
Judy: yes brothers. under the light of the Master, we are all one.

by Vladimir Gluten September 7, 2021

Reverse Master Blaster

A midget straddles one's face while you felate/perform cunnilingus in him/her while they yell "who run Barter Town?"

Shit, nephew! I gotta get to the kyro-practer! I fucked up my neck last night doin' the Reverse Master Blaster with Gary Coleman!

by Bowss Howgg March 5, 2016

Super Master Douche

A person who only thinks of themselves. Tends to lie. steals from people,and blows off friends and family. Acts like they are straight but really GAY. Has an asian sized weiner.

no one will like you if you are a Super Master Douche!

by NIGHTFAG11 August 6, 2013

Master race edition

The PC version of a multiplatform video game.

What are you doing playing Skyrim on PS3? Get the Master Race edition, it has much better graphics and you can mod the hell out of it, you filthy console peasant.

by Rundas April 25, 2014

PC Master Race

A facetious term used to claim the superiority of gamers who use personal computers, coined by comedian and video game critic Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Generally used to mock people who take the PC-console divide far too seriously.

Often contrasted against "dirty console peasants", an equally jocular term.

"Consoles are so much better than you PC nerds. You can like, hook them up to TVs instead of just monitors."

"Except you can totally do that. PC master race, buy an HDMI cable noob."

by muejhemh April 7, 2013

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Master Troll

Typically a self appointed title claimed by social media fucktards.

I am the Master Troll.....

by Orwell knows January 29, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž