Hopefully men's track doesn't go home discouraged, they're just starting out and a lot of great things will happen for them if they don't give up. They didn't have an abudance of veterans to draw from their experience or leadership, so hopefully they don't let Carl Lewis talking to them like he was their father get to them.
The media might like to point out their mistakes, but the men's track team could have let the sting of defeat keep them from getting the gold medal today, and they didn't do that. They fought all the way through to the end, until the Olympics were over. Win or lose, they didn't give up on themselves.
While a lot of people focus on what the men's track teams of the past did right and this one did wrong, they're not thinking about this group not only being the first to try and train through a pandemic where the Olympics was in danger of being cancelled, but also the first group not to have their families present. The little things like that make a difference people don't see on the big sounding, built up events people do see on TV. It's hard to know exactly what these guys were going through no matter what people saw on TV.
Men's track found a little rhythm before the games ended, hopefully they feel good about it.